Families are at the center of our work. We believe that sustainable changes happens for the Black Autism Community in Cincinnati when our families are connected, mobilized, and engaged in the work of improving outcomes for our community.

the problem:
Black families and Black children are an afterthought within the larger, but still marginalized autistic community. Due to this, Black families are often forced to face the challenges of raising a child with autism alone which can lead to increased feelings of hopelessness and stress.
what we do:
Research indicates that those with strong community ties are more resilient and less likely to experience debilitating depression and anxiety. A primary goal of the program is to build community and thus shore up the parent’s ability to persist for their child by providing opportunities to gather at family dinners and field trips.

how does it work?
Struggles with social cues, language, and boundaries are key characteristics of children with autism. Social anxiety is prevalent amongst the community. By hosting multiple opportunities to gather, the program seeks to provide a warm and loving environment in which families can relax and children are free to be themselves. Additionally, these gatherings can also provide children with an inviting environment in which to practice skills worked on with behavioral, occupational, and speech therapists.

cOmmunity advisoRy boaRd
Our Tribe is led by a board a board of representatives from the Black Autism community – self-advocates with autism and family members of those diagnosed. The board are the leaders and visionaries of our work.
Josselyn Okorodudu
Executive Director & Co-founder
Mother to Kai (11). Raising Kai, who was diagnosed at 5, has been the most rewarding journey of her life. The idea of Our Tribe arose from Josselyn’s desire to create a space of love, support, and understanding for her son and for everyone else in the Black Autism Community.

Gwen Pierson
Self advocate with autism and mother Max (21). Gwen joined the board to share from the heart, to uplift, and to provide hope to folks who are early in their journey.

Ebony Young
Mother to Hillary (8). Ebony joined the Our Tribe Board to leverage both her professional and personal experience to make an impact in the Black autism community.

Latonya Chichester
Mother to Sadie (15). Latonya is passionate about ensuring that other Black families are able to avoid the rough road she had to travel with her daughter.

Marquita Charles -Pizarro
Mother to Jadhiel (7). Marquita joined to bring more awareness to Black autism and to advocate for the futures of Black children with autism.