
FACT : Black children are diagnosed with Autism 3-5 years later than their white counterparts.
Research also shows that once diagnosed, black people are less likely to engage in available interventions and are more likely to face the poorest outcomes of an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis.

Our Tribe is engaged in research that seeks to identify why these racial disparities occur and how they may be mitigated through the initiation of culturally responsive practices and policies at local organizations and healthcare systems.
PartneRship with CinciNNati ChilDRen's hOsPital
Our Tribe is currently involved in a research partnership with Dr. Teresa Smith of CCHMC's Department of Developmental Pediatrics. The voices of the communities served by Our Tribe will be targeted for a group-level assessment research project. The goal of the project is to identify strengths in services and care as well as areas of need and opportunity. The ultimate outcome of this work is to create an actionable report that will be shared with local organizations involved in developmental disabilities and used to inform further programs offered through Our Tribe. We believe that the Black Autism community is acutely aware of the problems that lead to disparity and that their voices must be amplified in order to create sustainable change.
get invOlved
If you are interested in speaking to Our Tribe about research opportunities please email info@ourtribecincy.com or click the button below.